Sound Effect
Laptop Drop, Hard Floor, Complex Fall, Laptop Computer, Destroyed
CORE 6: Standard
180,000+ sounds
CORE 6: Pro
380,000+ sounds
CORE 6: Complete
1,000,000+ sounds
Gen Collection: Vol. 1
CORE 6: Standard Bundle
CORE 6: Pro Bundle
CORE 6: Complete Bundle
Computer Boot, Disk In and Out, Switch On, Boot Tone, Fan Motor
Computers · Hard Drive
Computer, Insert Floppy Disk, Reading Process, Fan, Writing File, Clicking, Eject, Removing
Computer, Fan, Shut Down, Sony Monitor Sizzle After Turning Off
Floppy Disk Drawer, Open and Close, Spring Loaded Release, Metallic Clank with Short Ring Decay
PowerBook 150, Open and Close, Start Up, Chime, Button Clicking, Plastic Movement, Computer Motor, Hard Drive Chatter
PowerBook Duo 280, Open Up, Wake Up from Sleep Mode, Motor Start, Wind Down, Shut Down
PowerBook Duo 280, Start, Chime, Hard Drive Chatter, Motor, CU
Apple Keyboard, Button Pushes, Single and Groups of Keys
Computers · Keyboard & Mouse
Computer Boot, Switch On, Boot Noise, Fan Motor, Keyboard Tapping